Healthy Habits

Health and fitness have always been an important part of my life. I grew up with an active lifestyle and created a strong and healthy relationship with the gym and clean eating in collage. While I don’t follow any strict “diet” or workout program, I do try to eat clean & healthy a majority of the time, workout at the gym at least 4 times a week and go for a long walk on the off days.

One thing that keeps me motivated is the “high” I get from a good sweat session or the energy I have when eating a clean diet of mostly meats and vegetables. I am no expert on this topic but I would encourage you to always listen to your body and do what works/feels best for yourself. Stay away from the comparison game!

Another thing that keeps me (and many of us I am sure) motivated is cute workout clothes. There’s just something about a pair of leggings that make you feel a little more confident or a new pair of shoes that make a workout that much more enjoyable. The adorable set I am wearing is from an amazing, woman owned, company called SENITA. You can use my code MORGAN15 for 15% off your order!

I have shared some of my favorite athleisure picks below to give you a little extra motivation! What keeps you motived when trying to stay active and healthy?

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